Speedskating in Szeged

Speedskating Cousins In Sunny Szeged

On the road to Szeged

On Saturday we drove from Bekescsaba to Szeged somehow avoiding crossing the border into Romania on the way out of Bekescsaba. The rain dissipated as we neared Szeged and again we correctly missed the border crossing into Serbia!


Diana. Esther, Alexandra, David, Gabi, and Alan

Once in Szeged center we headed to Alan’s cousin Gabor’s house. There we met Gabor’s wife Esther for the first time and greeted their children David and Alexandra when they came home from school. Yes, it was a Saturday and they had a makeup day of school to cover the time off taken when they celebrate the May Day holiday on May 1st.

Restaurant on the Tisza

Gabi and Esther took us to an incredible fish restaurant on the bank of the Tisza River. There is a chart on the side of the restaurant marking the height of various flood levels, the last of which required a rebuilding of the restaurant.  The meal was excellent and everything especially the fish was incredibly fresh. We all started with a hearty fish soup served family style with crusty bread and spicy peppers on the side. Main course servings of fried catfish and sturgeon were amazing and quite huge. Although it was lunch time it certainly felt like we were eating dinner.










David Speed Skating

Later in the afternoon we had fun watching cousins David and Alexandra in a Speedskating exhibition. Both of them are on a Speedskating team representing Szeged and have skated in several competitions. We found it fun as we had never seen an in-line Speedskating event let alone imagine that it takes place outdoors.

Alexandra Speed Skating

The Szeged Speedskating Team







Desert with Gabi and EstherWhen we returned back to Gabor and Esther’s home we had some very excellent cappuccino and very yummy homemade gluten-free apple oat cake while we watched a family video. Later the rain returned but stopped just as we were leaving with a view of “Sunny Szeged”. We then headed back to Budapest to finish packing so we could be ready to leave for the Liszt Ferenc airport at 4 a m the next morning.


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