Budapest Au revoir

Mythical Kings on Heroes Square

Our second family visit to Hungary was even more amazing than our first visit. We find Budapest the city continues to be a kaleidoscope of images and shapes.  It is vibrant and bustling day and night, and welcoming to native Hungarians and visitors alike. Budapest is a place of contrasts  with displays of monuments of mythical kings guarding museums of fine arts and

Hungarian countryside

science. Not far away we find tributes to Holocaust victims near ancient churches with statuary of Stalinist era leaders relegated to museums. As we ventured to the southern border cities of Bekescsaba, Gyula and Szeged we found countryside that appeared to be unchanged for hundreds of years leading to modern superstructures. Continue reading “Budapest Au revoir”

Speedskating in Szeged

Speedskating Cousins In Sunny Szeged

On the road to Szeged

On Saturday we drove from Bekescsaba to Szeged somehow avoiding crossing the border into Romania on the way out of Bekescsaba. The rain dissipated as we neared Szeged and again we correctly missed the border crossing into Serbia! Continue reading “Speedskating in Szeged”

The Arts in Budapest

The Arts In Budapest

Falk Miksa Arts District

Budapest has an exciting vibrant arts community complete with several fine galleries and large and intimate museums. Also, sections of the city are dedicated to seasonal art festivals. The galleries include a range of artworks from traditional oil paintings and pastels or portraits and landscapes to cubist charcoals and ink sketches to ceramics and  gold and silver works. Continue reading “The Arts in Budapest”

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